(r)evolution? lived histories 1945-1989-2022 Exhibition

The exhibitions of "(r)evolution? lived histories 1945-1989-2022" are permanent and can be visited from Tuesday to Friday, from 8:00 to 16:00, and on Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00, at the headquarters of the Revolution Memorial Association (2B Oituz Street).

The concept of "r/evolution? lived histories 1945-1989-2022" is based on the archives of the Revolution Memorial and documents from the private collection of the Prin Banat Association and proposes an interactive exhibition, which presents not only the spirit of the communist era in Romania and Eastern Europe, but also the interpretation of the visitors, each in its own way, of the revolutionary spirit of Timișoara. Addressing younger generations in particular, the exhibitions are a tribute to those who fought and sacrificed their lives for freedom, and are designed to keep their memory and the events of 1989 alive.

Each room hosts a particular phase of what communism meant in the Banat region: from the testimonies of deportees in the Bărăgan, to images depicting Nicolae Ceaușescu's cult of personality; from the resistance movements in Banat, to the Proclamation of Timișoara and from a block administrator's notes about air raid exercises, to notes about the neighbors - who visited them and at what times, whether they turned off the lights, etc. 

The exhibition - event "r/evolution? lived histories 1945-1989-2022" demonstrates once again that throughout the 20th century, all over Eastern Europe, there have been movements, protests, revolutions against the communist regimes, all leading up to the moment of 1989, and in Timișoara, a university town and perceived as Western even before 1989, the Revolution can be understood as a predictable moment.

The "(r)evolution? lived histories 1945-1989-2022" exhibitions were realized within the framework of Moving Fireplaces - a project that is part of the Cultural Programme Timisoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture, following a close partnership between the Prin Banat Association and the Revolution Memorial Association.

The initiative was supported by: the Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism and the Memory of the Romanian Exile, the Museum of the Horrors of Communism in Romania, the Museum of the Communist Consumer in Timișoara, Viorel Marineasa, Daniel Vighi, Brândușa Armanca, Ovidiu Mihăiță, Anca-Raluca Majaru, Teodora Borghoff, Cosmina Goagea

The "(r)evolution? lived histories 1945-1989-2022" team:
arch. Silvia Tripșa (curator), Radu Teodor Piloca (production coordinator), Simona Giura (graphic designer), Ana Gemescu (graphic designer), Cristina Giura (graphic designer), Gino Rado (historian, researcher), Adrian Cosmin Szakacs (historian, researcher), Dan Perjovschi (visual artist), Diana Bilec (photographer), Cristian Sitov (production assistant), Claudia Vancea (project assistant), Alina Pintilie (communication), Otilia Galescu (communication), Alexandra Palconi-Sitov (project manager)

Photo credit: Claudia Tănăsescu

Project funded by the Municipality of Timișoara, through the Centre for Projects and the Timiș County Council, through the TIM Culture 2022 Programme.

Part of

Moving Fireplaces

Moving Fireplaces