The next Minitremu workshop brings together a series of artistic resources that stimulate the imagination and the spontaneous forces of children, as well as a series of exercises that have the ability to transform the classroom into an artistic space, a space of play, a space of freedom.
The conflicts between children and adults arise from the deep difference in nature between "us" and "them", says the teacher of pedagogy I. Drăgan, in his book Our Dusmanul, the child (Cultura Românească, 1929), and childhood always came out defeated.
"There are spontaneous forces in the child, which tend to manifest freely. From here, inevitably, the world and daily conflict. Two camps: adults, who demand submission, obedience, and children, who demand freedom", writes the pedagogue.
All Schools Should be Art Schools is a project proposed by Minitremu and Brigita Onaca, in collaboration with Babel School and High School - the first school with experiential learning in Romania, General School No. 2, General School No. 6, Secondary School no. 19 "Avram Iancu" and the Kindergarten With Extended Program No. 23 from Timisoara.