Founded in August 2012, at the initiative of graduates from the Political Science specialization within the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy, and Communication Sciences, SPICC is a feminist association that advocates against gender discrimination through activism and advocacy. It supports equal opportunities, women's emancipation, education, gender-sensitive public policies, and social inclusion through its actions.

We are an open space for participation and proposals from all feminist perspectives, encouraging critical thinking, promoting active citizenship, and intercultural dialogue.

Since September 2015, we have been part of the national network VIF (Network for the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women), an informal structure that brings together 24 organizations active in promoting women's rights, protecting victims of gender-based violence, and combating gender discrimination.

Our vision is a world where all forms of violence against women have been eliminated, where women's voices are heard clearly and powerfully, where women, freed from all forms of oppression, enjoy full autonomy and have the opportunity to maximize their potential. Currently, we are nurturing a new generation of young feminists, currently forming the informal community called WISE (Women, Innovation, Solidarity, Equality), of which we are mentors.


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