Intertwined: Creative Workshop for Children

Workshop with the preparatory class from „N. Lenau” High School

During the workshop, the participants will create an independent work from old, household materials, brought by them or previously procured by me. Thus they will learn about the multiple methods by which we can reuse and recycle what we have at home into an object of contemporary art. Through these exercises, each participant will create an individual textile work which, later, will be assembled in the Kunsthalle Bega space alongside the creations of the other children, thus forming a common work/tapestry, which can be visited in the exhibition Intertwined, presented to the public on 6.30.2023, 6:00 pm, in the Kunsthalle Bega space.

Project realised with the support of a grant for artistic creation ''Energy!'' awarded by the Municipality of Timișoara, through the Project Centre, within the National Cultural Programme "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023".

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