Andreea Tănase is half Transylvanian and half Bessarabian. She writes, does improv theater and collaborates with different social and cultural organizations. She has an MA in architecture and one in dramatic writing. She took part in numerous courses, workshops and masterclasses in acting, improvisation, dramatic and creative writing. In 2018, she started writing theater out of curiosity, and she got her professional start in 2019 when she took part in the Drama 5 Residency at Reactor Cluj. In 2021, alongside Alex Lungu, she was the co-writer of the first Romanian mystery narrative podcast "Best Worst Movie". Up to this point, she has written plays that have been staged in independent and state theaters in Cluj, Piatra Neamț, Bucharest and Oradea: "All is well when it ends", "98% (the right decision)", "We didn’t see anything", "Meat" and "Family Business". She collaborated with several theater directors, including Radu Nica, Elena Morar, Mara Oprea, George Zamfir and Cătălin Mardale. In 2022, she won the award for dramaturgy at the Sofia Nădejde Awards Gala. She wants to travel more and explore as many artistic mediums as possible.


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