Soare cu dinți | in : v z b l Festival

Our experience in collaborating with the deaf community has proven to us that it represents a culture in itself, insufficiently known and valued. The performance is aimed both to the deaf and to those who can hear, considered members of the same inclusive community: the theater audience, art enthusiasts. 

The Frosty Sun (Soare cu dinți) play explores the Deaf culture and, above all, the gateways shared with the culture of the hearing community through the use of humor. Comic situations from the everyday life of the deaf and their interactions with hearers, the advantages of being deaf in an ever louder world, the nonverbal communication channels are explored in a project animated by the lack of prejudices and by the humor that has always fueled the collaboration with our deaf friends. 

Cast: Radu Lărgeanu, Maria Pandrea, Alexandru Condurat
Written and directed by: Filip Odangiu
Sign Language Interpreter: Angela Mate
Set design: Florin Suciu
Sound design and light design: Cătălin Florea

The festival in: v z b l is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is financed by the Timișoara Project Center

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