100 years since the birth of Ion Popescu Gopo (short films) | Heritage Film Festival

CineEuroConnect: A Collaborative Film Museum & Heritage Film Festival announces a series of heritage film screenings. These screenings offer audiences a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich history of cinema. Classic films are also priceless time capsules, capturing the essence of different eras, cultures and artistic movements. By exhibiting these cinematic gems, we aim to preserve and celebrate the cultural heritage of the film industry, allowing audiences to appreciate the art and storytelling techniques that have shaped the world of cinema.

100 Years since the Birth of Ion Popescu Gopo - Short films programme

Duration: 77 min. 

Ion Popescu-Gopo was a Romanian graphic artist and animator, but also writer, film director, and actor. He was a prominent personality in the Romanian cinematography and the founder of the modern Romanian cartoon school. He was, together with Liviu Ciulei and Mirel Ilieșiu, one of the few Romanian film artists who won an award at the Cannes Film Festival in the 20th century.

  1. A Brief History - 1957

Duration: 3 min 

This 1957 Romanian short animation and Cannes Film Festival winner skilfully and with incredible artistic expression manages to condense the entire narrative of human evolutionary theory into a ten minute short film. Not only that, he eerily anticipates the communist triumph of the USSR launching the first man into space by a few years.

  1. Seven Arts - 1958

Duration: 11 min 

Gopo's little man presents the emergence of the arts: painting, sculpture, architecture, theater, dance, music and cinematography.

  1. Homo sapiens - 1960

  Duration: 9 min 

A few years before Kubrick in "2001", although in a more farcical way, Ion Popescu-Gopo shows the evolution of a strange creature named man from the time he started to rub flint stones to nowadays when he has managed to split the atoms.

  1. Intermezzo for an eternal love (1974)

Duration: 9 min 

The little man learns that the Earth is in danger of dying because of pollution. 

  1. Energica (1980)

Duration: 9 min 

The little man discovers oil and invents all sorts of machines including a female robot to satisfy his consumption needs.

  1. Anima… Magic… Animagic (1980)

Duration: 8 min 

  1. Cadru cu cadru (1981)

Duration: 7 min 

  1. Pride ( 1982) 

Duration: 5 min 

  1. You (1983) 

Duration: 7 min 

  1. The sorcerer's apprentice (1985)

Duration: 9 min 

The event is part of CineEuroConnect: A Collaborative Film Museum & Heritage Film Festival, focusing on the exploration and celebration of cinema as a "Time Capsule."

The project is produced by Mockra Productions, and co-produced with ABI Foundation. The project is part of the National Cultural Programme Timisoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023 and is funded by the OverBorder Culture+ programme, run by The Centre for Culture and Arts from Timis County, with funds allocated from the state budget through the Ministry of Culture.

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