Nita Mocanu will talk about the workshop series "Crisis Pedagogies", part of the Post Education program, which aims to develop a cultural ecosystem that supports education in addressing current crises (climate, energy, political, epidemiological, etc.) and in creating strategies for a sustainable future, by capitalizing on the critical and emancipatory role of art and the innovative role of new technologies.
Within the project, events open to the general public are organized including: Post-education conferences, exhibitions made by students and pupils from Arad, Timișoara and Bucharest, ideas workshops organized in the open air, several cultural mediation sessions at the Arad Museum Complex and workshops pilot pedagogies with artists from the country and abroad.
This event is part of Art me. If you feel like it #1.
Nita Mocanu (born 1977) is a visual artist, high school art teacher and cultural manager. Her artworks are related to themes in social psychology, education, ecology and contemporary philosophy (new materialism). His preferred mediums are contemporary poetry, photography, video art and installation. Since 2012 he is a professor of Computerized Image Processing at the "Sabin Drăgoi" College of Arts in Arad, a discipline that he has rethought and built a series of projects and activities dedicated to teenagers. She is the founder of the Doar Maine Association for art, new technologies, ecology and community.
Short selection of locations and events: Art Encounters Foundation, Timișoara, Borderline Art Space, Iasi; Arad Art Museum; OK Center for Contemporary Art Austria, Linz; Műcsarnok Budapest; ODD Gallery, Bucharest; Tranzit House, Cluj; CreArt Europe, Network of Cities for Artistic Creation, Kaunas LT, Kristiansand NO, Aveiro, PT; Media Art Festival Arad; Contemporary Art Biennale Art Encounters Timișoara; Liminal Art/Science/Technology Festival; The New Dictionary of Old Ideas: AiR program MeetFactory Prague, CZ.