One man's trash is another man’s treasure

Do we know what we wear? Or  how big is the impact of all our actions and choices over our planet? What does "sustainability" mean and how do we apply it so it does not remain only a dictionary term, but a lifestyle?

If you want to find out the answer to these questions ,and also learn some upcycling skills and DIY , then this event is for you!

// The consumption of textiles is the fourth biggest source of pollution in the European Union, and both our country  and Timișoara, contribute to this worrying statistic .

// This project covers the problem of overproduction , overconsumption , irresponsible and compulsive purchases that impact our natural environment, as well as the problem of overgrowth textile waste and the need to reduce the output that this has on the environment.

// The purpose of this  project is to meet these problems and these needs and facilitate the consumption reduction, creating resources for reusing and recycling of textile waste , but also through starting  a dialogue about sustainability, culture, heritage and responsibility.

​Therefore, we invite you to register for the event that will be held on July 2nd:

​// workshops :

• 1 – creative workshop and familiarization with textiles for small children (4-6 years); In this workshop, the children will make collages from textile waste and biodegradable adhesive or through other textile fastening techniques .

- Available places: 8

* We recommend that every child is joined by an adult.

• 2 – creative workshop and initiation in the art of sewing for children (6-9 years); in this workshop, the children will create by themselves the interior decoration of a toy room made from a shoe box, using textile waste.

- Spaces available: 8

* We ask that the children bring a toy whose room they will decorate (ex:  little lego man), also optionally  they can bring and a shoebox that we will recycle .

​• 3 – creative workshop and initiation in the art of tailoring for children (9-12 years); in this workshop, the children create by themselves keychains , phone cases , bags or various textile accessories , using textile waste.

- Spaces available: 10

​• "Repurpose" 1 - embroidery workshop on pre-owned clothes , which aims to transform pre-owned clothes into unique pieces. This will be made via different embroidery techniques.

- Spaces available: 15

*Participants should bring a piece of clothing that they want to embroider.

** The workshop will be held by a person from the Ukrainian community from Timișoara.

​• "Repurpose ' 2 - brooch and accessories workshop created from scrap materials , which aims to transform textile scraps and old clothes into unique accessories , with the help of creative techniques , using scrap materials that result from tailoring in various local creative workshops , as well as textile waste .

- Spaces available: 15

* Participants can bring their own old clothes that they want to transform.

// seminars :

• Seminar on heritage - architectural treasures

- The space built is an important resource and a source unbounded by culture, history, authenticity and inspiration. The purpose of the seminar is to make a general presentation of the building in which the event takes place, a small guided tour for finding out the hidden treasures and stories of the building, as well as an general architectural overview for the participants of the workshop.

• "Sustainability talks" seminar

- The seminar about sustainability aims at raising awareness regarding the  impact that people have over the environment  and facilitating access to information regarding reducing textile consumption .

Registrations are made in the following form:

 *On the form, please register an adult, a child or a team made out of an adult + a child

- if the adult and the child participate in different workshops, please select the corresponding workshops you want to attend to both of you;

- if the adult is just accompanying  the child participating in the workshop 1 (4-6 years), please select only that box.

* Participation is free of charge .

** The event is held with the support of the French Institute from Timișoara, De-a Arhitectura association, Ana Rubeli and Aici a Stat association, UVT Timișoara and the Faina UA community.

The project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the Grow Timișoara 2023 programme, implemented by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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One man's trash is another man's treasure

One man's trash is another man's treasure