As part of the Common Heritage - The Tale of Four Cities project, we invite you to the Common Heritage international conference, on September 15, from 18:00 at FABER.
The conference aims to present the comparative study of the manifestation of the Secession style in the cities of Timișoara, Subotica, Szeged and Odesa. You will discover how this architectural style was influenced by the specific socio-cultural context of each city, with an emphasis on the elements of the built landscape, ornamental details and the interaction with the urban environment. We will look together at how it has been adapted and integrated in each context, considering ethnographic influences, functional aspects and the interaction with social status and financial power.
Speakers from the four cities (Timișoara, Subotica, Szeged and Odesa) will present their research carried out throughout the project, followed by a panel talk supported by international speakers and a Q&A session.
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Panel 1:
18:00 - 18:10: Secession in Szeged - Csizmadia Edit
18:10 - 18:20: Secession in Subotica - Klara Evetovic
18:20 - 18:30: Secession in Odesa - Alyona Kaletynska
18:30 - 18:40: Secession in Timișoara - Heritage of Timișoara
18:40 - 19:00: Q&A session moderated by curator Anca Majaru with the four researchers
19:00 - 19:20: Break
Panel 2:
19:20 - 19:30: Stars & Flowers. Stained-glass windows of the synagogues in Timișoara, Subotica and Szeged - Deákné Oszkó Ágnes
19:30 - 19:40: Keynote speaker #2
19:40 - 20:00 Q&A session moderated by the curator Anca Majaru with the two keynote speakers
The conference will be held in English and the native languages of the speakers, with translation into English and Romanian.
Partners: TourInform Szeged (HUN), VisitSubotica (SRB), Subotica (SRB), MZZSK Subotica (SRB), Asociația Faina (UKR), Institutul Național al Patrimoniului (RO), Ordinul Arhitecților din România (RO), Direcția Județeană pentru cultură Timiș (RO)