Due to reaching the full capacity of the original venue, a live stream will be organized at a second location at the Politehnica University Conference Center.
The Festival for Architecture Schools of Tomorrow connects and mobilizes, for the first time, the 5 architecture schools in Romania - Timișoara, Cluj, Oradea, Iași and București - and expands this cooperation network through the invited schools from neighboring countries. The first edition takes place in Timișoara, European Capital of Culture 2023. In focus: issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 17th UIA World Congress: Sustainable Futures. Leave No One Behind.
The TALKS section fosters exchanges between the fields of architectural education and professional practice in Romania as well as current international methodologies and design approaches that focus on social environmental sustainability.
The first day of the talks section will highlight prestigious alumni from the five Romanian schools, such as Eliza Yokina (Cumulus Architecture/ Bucharest), Berlin based, FAUT alumna Oana Stănescu, London based, Iasi alumnus Radu Axinte (Heatherwick Studio), Cluj Napoca alumnus Adrian Pop (ADP), or Oradea alumnus Gabriel Chis Bulea (Vertical Studio). Presentations will focus on the festival theme, by showcasing each speaker's sustainable transition from their school years towards excellence within the professional practice.
OMA/AMO's Reinier de Graaf, the evening's keynote speaker, will launch his new book, Architect, Verb. The lecture will be followed by a book signing session.
- 17:00-17:20 Opening
- 17:20-17:40 Gabriel Chis Bulea
- 17:40-18:00 Adrian Pop
- 18:00-18.20 Eliza Yokina
- 18:20-18:40 Radu Axinte
- 18:40-19:00 Oana Stanescu
- 19:00-19:40 Q&A alumni
- 19:40-20:00 break
- 20:10-21:00 Reinier de Graaf - Architect, Verb + Q&A
FAST Festival for Architecture Schools of Tomorrow is a festival developed by the Romanian Order of Architects, financed by the Stamp of Architecture, hosted and co-organized in 2023 by the UPT Campus Creative project.