Kunsthalle Bega presents "Learning Through TWISTING", an installation with artworks signed by Loredana Ilie, Andrei Pituț, Gavril Pop, and inspired from the curatorial adventure of THE TWIST. Five Provincial Stories From an Empire, curators Călin Dan and Celia Ghyka.
Loredana Ilie (b. in 1999) works and lives in Timișoara. She is focused on experimenting with new materials and techniques, from graphics and engraving to embroidery and digital drawing. Her works delve into the organic form of the body and objects, which are inspired by her body's continual transformation.
Andrei Pituț (b. in 1991) is a sculptor who resides and works in Timișoara. He is interested in the concept of materiality and craftsmanship. He explores the relationship between recovered materials and their links to memory and the urban environment.
Gavril Pop (b. in 1998) is a visual artist and cultural worker who recently joined the Balamuc collective. He is dedicated to archives, measuring instruments, and learning processes, usually finding himself sowed under waste paper and geometries.
ⓘ Additional details can be requested by email: kunsthallebega@kunsthallebega.ro
Institutional Partners: Muzeul Național al Banatului, Muzeul Regiunii Porților de Fier - Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Muzeul Banatului Montan-Reșița, Muzeul de Istorie, Etnografie și Arte Vizuale Lugoj, ELECTRICA SERV, Muzeul de Artă Arad, Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană
Private collections: Tiberiu Adelmann, Răzvan Bănescu, Călin Dan, Ovidiu Șandor
Media Partners: Radio România Cultural, Revista ARTA, Zeppelin, Observator cultural, Modernism.ro, Propagarta, IQads/SMARK, Renașterea Bănățeană, Agenția de Carte.ro
Partners: BRD – Groupe Société Générale, Kerber Verlag
Sponsors: Bega, PINTeam, Egeria, Flexik, VendTeam